March 17, 2013

It Pays To Write Down Your Goals

I was pleasantly amazed this past week. 

I took a little time to go through my journal, and starting at the most recent entry, I saw a notes which I took down after reading a book, notes from a seminar series I attended earlier this year, a few quotes and a bunch of other stuff.

I kept flipping back until I got to my entry on 23rd December, 2012. I read through it and I smiled. You remember when Brian Tracy said – and this is from SOLID research – that the act of writing down a goal increases your chances of achieving it by a whopping 1000%? It’s pure truth.

I read my income goal for the first half of the year 2013. I found that at present I had already exceeded that goal
by almost 40%—in the first quarter of 2013 alone.

It was like, Eureka! This stuff really works.

There’s a big difference between being told principle works, and that principle ACTUALLY WORKING in your life. Notice the key word there? If you didn’t get it, read this paragraph again. The word is WORK. I remember what Jim Rohn said a long time ago. He said, “Success is a DOING….Activity is HIGH priority.”

I don’t know about you but I want to make a LOT of money. I mean like the kind of money that would require a body builder to lift my wallet. I’m serious. I want to be able to take friends and family out to have fun without thinking, “Oh geez! How much is that?” I want to be able to spend time with my kids playing FIFA on PlayStation. I want to do all these things, but none of them can happen without goals, WRITTEN down.

Have you written down your goals? Are your goals between your ears or between the lines?

If you don’t have any, take three minutes to write down three goals and begin working daily on them. They could change your life.

I wish you GREATNESS.

Uchendu is a Speaker, Entrepreneur and Writer, who loves teaching young people. You can follow him on Twitter or Facebook or circle him on Google+.

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